Brian, “The amount of time for fun hobbies, like making music, is inversely proportional to the pressures of family life…so for many years having a young family and a demanding career meant I didn’t get to think about music very much. In 1989, a friend of mine, Kwesi Marles, introduced me to basic MIDI and the use of a computer to make music and this seemed a way to be productive in the snippets of time I could free up.”
“But even though I managed to find some time, I found working alone very difficult – I’d not really done it much before- and not having a sounding-board/critic like David made decision making torturous. So the projects I tended to complete at the time were collaborations – like with Kwesi, Frank Pahl, and Alex Wroten… or specifically motivated projects like the ones with The Scallions, The Moles and The Autons (including appearing in their music video in 2006).”
“OK, so the kids are grown up now and flown the nest and I can grab more time – also being retired now certainly helps.”
“Since getting back together with David there have been some solo outings on my part, mainly providing vocals on collaborative projects as my available time is pretty much exclusively taken up with RATL work. There is an unfinished body of Renaldo M work from the early 1990s to about 2006 and one day I’d very much like to complete it – but who knows how long it will take?”